Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Twirling Toby

After being cooped up all day due to torrential rains, Toby became a twirling dervish.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Toby & Teddy

Toby squeezes in a quick pre-bedtime nap with his buddy.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Greyhound Computer Decal - I am the envy of the neighborhood!

Light on
Light off
Lid of computer
I found this nifty Greyhound decal to put onto my Apple notebook computer. I have a feeling that everyone I know is going to want one, although they look best on an Apple computer with the glowing Apple logo. you can see, you have to take into account the placement right to left as well as up and down.There is a tiny glowing bit of the Apple logo's leaf above the Greyhound's back. I'll get it right next time!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Throwback Thursday

TV Pink Lady at MGPS
We first laid eyes on Lady Flame during turn-out at the MGPS Open House in June of 2012. She was the prettiest dog we saw that day and a few weeks later she became our pup.