Monday, September 24, 2018

Lady Flame Squirrel Patrol

Lady Flame limbers up before going on squirrel patrol.
Gotta stretch all the important running muscles...just in case...
Lady Flame spends hours on alert in the backyard. She obviously has a low prey drive as she just watches and waits. No willy nilly charging and running after the squirrel, just watching...
It is exhausting work, but somebody has to do it!
This is all followed by a satisfying nap (with a slight smile as she remembers the squirrel of her dreams.)

Monday, September 17, 2018

Chillin' in the back yard

The pups have been enjoying the back yard to the max! Flame has become a squirrel huntress extraordinaire, and Toby is the sight-challenged Sheriff of the yard. A gray squirrel has been taunting and flaunting throughout the yard, and it is an exhausting business for the pups to keep the yard free of these cutie patootie vermin;-)

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Play Date with the half sibs

Beautiful Sugaree and her side-kick Lady Flame
Yay! We had a play date and I actually had a camera in my hand. It was a bit dark in the backyard, so the photos came out a bit blurry, but the pups don't care a hoot about the quality;-)
Trouble and Flame start a high speed chase!
The half-sibs had a good time together, and they didn't waste any time in getting a good game of chase going.
The hounds are getting to be oldie goldie hounds and their runs are short.
Lady Flame is so happy to see her bestie, Trouble.
Lady Flame and Trouble are a blur as they run around the yard.
Flame and Trouble do a quick tear around the yard at lightning speed!
Pretty Flame rests after the run-around...