Monday, July 31, 2017

Walk on Hix Small Cemetery Road

Gee, it has been a long time since we did anything but walk down our busy/noisy road together. I have been missing the forest so much that Drew indulged me and we drove down Hix Small Cemetery Road for a very short walk with the dogs.
We enjoy walking through the cemetery, and the dogs enjoy sniffing the stones. Toby wanted a treat for being such a good pup and not peeing on everything.
But, we had to decline his royal highness as Lady Flame cannot eat crunchy foods yet (since her dental appt.) Look at Toby's expectant smile. Lady has just about given up as to ever getting a treat again. Poor pup. We just get grossed out with the idea of carrying hot dog pieces in our pockets;-)
But, little miss toothless (she had 5 big teeth extracted) is still pretty as can be.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Toby's Adoption Day Retrospective - 2013

Wow! Who could believe that is has been 4 years since Toby came to live with us and filled us with so much joy... We think that the name Toby fits him perfectly as he wasn't fond of "Kiowa Best Bank" (his racing name), or Greyson (his kennel name.) He chose the name "Toby" which popped unexpectedly into Drew's head shortly after we arrived home with him. It is not a name that we would have chosen for him, so that name must have come from him. It was a good sign that our biggie boy was talking to us on his adoption day.