Sunday, September 25, 2016

Toby on deck...

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After a hard play session with Trouble and Lady Flame, Toby spent some quality time out on the front deck.
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The outdoor temp. got to a high of 61F, under a stiff breeze, so our biggie boy got a tad chilly, hence the blankie.

Quick Play Date with the Half-Sibs

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The half-sibs came over for a play date this afternoon. Drew snapped a few good photos of them playing, although Sugaree wasn't too interested, hence no photos of her. All she wanted to do was lay in the sand.
Click on the photo for a larger view.
Trouble and Lady Flame did their usual half-sib tough-stuff play.
Click on the photo for a larger view.
Trouble got a bit worked up while playing with Toby, and became what we refer to as "Demon Dog." But, Toby was good at walking away in an attempt to minimize any confrontation.

Yummm...Peanut butter....

This is for all those peanut butter loving hounds in the world! Unfortunately, our pups cannot eat peanut butter because of my severe allergies. But, all of their buddies enjoy at least one daily dollop;-)

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Going, Going Gone...Toby's eyesight, that is...

Our biggy boy seemed totally blind tonight. We had a play date with Trouble and Sugaree, this afternoon. After dinner, Toby was walking around upstairs very slowly (as in slow-motion), one paw being put down cautiously after another. He didn't seem to know where he was at any given time. Could all the jostling of hard play have finally been the nail in the coffin of his eyesight? He will be 5 years old in October, and we have been hoping that he would maintain a small amount of sight, but that hope may have now flown...

Friday, September 16, 2016

'Tis Jammie Season!

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We love cold weather. Plain and simple. But, Toby gets cold during the night, so we have to put jammies on him for any of us to get a good night's sleep. 
Thus, jammie season has begun! By the way, it is 40F outside, at 6m, and 64.5F in the house. Yowzer!

By the way, these are our big guy's measurements:
Greyhound Jammies
Weight - 77 lbs.
Length - 28"
Chest - 32"
Neck - 16.5"

When we had these made, a few years ago, the seamstress had to add a few inches to the back, 3 inches to the chest, and 2 inches to the neck to accommodate Toby's large frame.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Yay...Fort Popham Beach Day!

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We decided that we just had to get a beach day in before school started in earnest, so off to Fort Popham we went!
We started at the fort and walked down the beach toward the point. We were surprised to see how much the beach had changed from last year. Where we had had a nice even walk before, now we had to climb a berm.
Click on the photo set for a larger view.
As you can see, we successfully scaled the berm and Drew and the pups took a walk together while I was busy photographing all kinds of shells.
Toby met lots of buddies on the beach. He enjoyed a sniff-fest with a couple of black labs.
Click on the photo set for a larger view.
And, Toby finally had a meet and greet with another blind dog. They were cute as neither dog could see the other;-) Lady Flame just stood by and watched.