Friday, December 31, 2021

Trouble's tribute book

I worked all vacation to create a tribute book for Trouble. It is almost completed with 117 pages of photos! I had thousands of photos to choose from, and wanted to have unique photos of Trouble that weren't used in either Lady Flame's or Sugaree's tribute books. There was some overlap, but not much. Here is the cover.

And, the inside title page.

I feel like the original Bowdoin Greyhounds are family... Pages 10-11.

There were lots of rough and tumble half-sib antics on pages 64-65.
I just had to create a word cloud of Trouble! Pages 78-79.
Here is Trouble as an older pup, at age 12, on Pages 96-97.

Lastly, here is our tribute page at the end of the book. Now, I am awaiting Shannon and Billy's tribute page, and that is the toughest of all to write when it is about your own dog and what he means to you... Then, the book will be printed! Whoo...This is the third tribute book, in as many years, of the original hounds, all of whom have crossed the Rainbow Bridge to live out the rest of their existence playing with wild abandon.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Toby and his girlfriend, Lexie

Toby has sooo many girlfriends! Lexie is one of his favorites. She gets so excited when she sees Drew park the car and comes running!

Toby likes her a lot. His ears perk up when he gets to visit Lexie. Sometimes, Toby refuses to walk past Lexie's house until she comes running over. And, sometimes he is disappointed when she doesn't show up. Luckily, they visit several times each week because it really makes Toby's day.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas!

Toby is snoozing away the morning wishing that Santa (or Auntie Veronica) will bring him something for Christmas! He'll have to wait until tomorrow to see her (the love of his life.) Just having Auntie Veronica in the house brings us all 
so much joy!

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Toby snoozes cutely!

This boy of ours is so cute.  Here he is getting in a big yawn after a tough day of napping!

Drew starts petting him and he relaxes even more...

And, finally he in snooze mode for the evening... 

Monday, November 8, 2021

Toby sleeps funny!

That's our boy!  He is goofy to the max!