Saturday, July 4, 2015

Fireworks are go, and hounds say, "No!"

I tried to be Lady Flame's personal storm defender, as I held her close, throughout part of the fireworks displays that were going off around our neighborhood. My goodness, we have a lot of patriotic folks in Midcoast Maine. Unfortunately, Lady Flame was not feeling very patriotic as she was shaking, panting, and drooling her way through the evening. This is the first time she has shown fear of fireworks in the three years that she has lived with us. I think she would have crawled inside me if she could have. I finally turned on the ceiling fan to dampen the loud booms a bit, and Lady retired to the dog bed, although, as you can see, she remained on alert with a bit of panic in her eyes. BTW...Toby slept through it all... (Click on the photo for a larger view.)