Sunday, December 18, 2016

Chillin' with Veronica, Dennis, and Bettina

Dennis and Drew begin the bonding process
Wow, what a dog-filled / friend-filled weekend we've had. Fun, fun, fun! Veronica brought her hounds over for lunch, today, and we added in a bit of gift giving.
Dennis looks quite debonair in his new sweater.
Veronica always decks her pups out in the highest fashion!
We haven't been able to spend as much time with Veronica, Dennis, and Bettina as we would like, and hope to remedy this situation;-) 
We think that Toby got on the bed with no knowledge that Bettina was there.
Bettina allowed Toby to lay on the dog bed with her, and never said a word (although we are not sure that Toby actually knew that Bettina was even on the bed;-) If it had been Lady Flame, he would have been warned off. Speaking of Lady Flame, she was banned to her crate as she ramped herself up almost into a lather with growling and snarling at Dennis. She was a very naughty girl.
We enjoyed posing with two of the pups in our matching shirts! Teespring has been featuring greyhound shirts and sweatshirts (brought to my attention by Veronica) and I bought one of each! Of course, Veronica was wearing her shirt decked with Christmas tree lights that blinked on and off in a charming fashion!
After everyone left for home, I let Lady Flame out of her crate, and she got to have first dibs on the new toy that Veronica had given to the pups. She loved hearing the crunchy papery sound along with the squeaker inside. Our poor girl is such a nervous nelly that for some reason she just couldn't handle having Dennis in the house. We might have to muzzle her highness the next time they visit.
Thanks, Veronica!
And, last, but not least, check out our new pup mug! It will hold the new teas that our Colorado friend, Jane, sent to me for my birthday;-) Greyt friends is what life is all about! And, we sure have a Greyt life...

1 comment:

Greyhounds Aren't Grey said...

We had a great time, thank you! I'm glad that Lady Flame at least got to enjoy the new toy. And I think with time Lady Flame will learn to tolerate Dennis (notice I don't say that she'll ever like him ;-)