Monday, December 17, 2018

Christmas Time Get-Together

Dennis is quite the "in your face" kind of pup! He bowls you over with lovin'!
We got together with our buddies, Veronica, Bettina, and Dennis today.
Bettina got a much needed hug from her buddy, Drew.
We hadn't seen each other in a year, and Bettina needed a hug from one of her male admirers! 
Dennis was also in need of his male bonding time.
Lady Flame said, "Whatever...dudes." At least she stayed put on the couch during the entire visit, which is nothing short of a miracle!
My guys!
Toby was also rather "chill" about the visitation. But, he did well and there were no altercations due to his not being able to see anybody!
Veronica came all decked out with her festive flashing lights!
Bettina needed constant reassurance that she was still Veronica's favorite dog!
Dennis the Menace, or Devil Dog? Take your pick. Ha! Actually, this is Dennis in full yawn mode;-)
And, here is Dennis in cutie patootie mode. He is so lovable...
Toby looked quite dashing in his new hat! And, he loves his new toy!
Lady Flame got a new petite hat to fit her petite head! She loves her new "Fleece Navidog" slipper stuffed with paper. I had to nix her wanting to take it outside when going for her nightly potty break!

Thanks for everything, Veronica! Let's get together before another year passes us by!

1 comment:

Greyhounds Aren't Grey said...

Love them all, except for the one of me! I totally agree! Let's get together again sooner rather than later.