Thursday, October 10, 2019

Colorful autumn and handsome Toby!

Oh my, oh my...the autumn colors are absolutely stunning this year!
And, so is our big, handsome boy, Toby! 

Here he is on a walk down Starbird Corner Road. 

And, here he is waiting patiently (more like stubbornly) for a biscuit! 
Gotta have a biscuit every 10 feet or so to keep his energy up;-)
Toby also likes walking around Hillside Park, in Topsham. 
He was a perfect model to show off the gorgeous sumac in full color.
Then, he and Drew went down to Riverside Park (across the street), and Toby put on the brakes just a short way down the trail. 

So, no photos of Toby, just that of the gorgeous trees along the trail;-)

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