Saturday, June 20, 2020

Cherise aka WW Barrel Bomb

Well, Trouble was not doing well without his sister, Sugaree. So, Billy and Shannon decided to adopt another female Greyhound. They let MGPS do the choosing of pups for them to interview, and WW Barrel Bomb won their hearts!
She is a 3-1/2 year old hound who was born on Dec. 19, 2016.
Upon introduction at the kennel, she put up with lots of hugs and kisses from Billy and Shannon, and took to leaning on them for assurance. Here she is with Shannon just after they arrived home, today.
And, here is her first mug shot! She has a short snout for a Greyhound. In fact, other hounds from her kennel also have short snouts as well! And, better yet, Billy dreamt of adopting a short-schnozzled greyhound last night! What are the odds? We'll never know, but Cherise (her new name from a Grateful Dead song, of course) must have been sending dream vibes to Billy.
I made Billy and Shannon promise that they would bring her over after arriving home, and they complied with my order! Yes, I am bossy... I didn't get to pet her as I am laid up after surgery, but Drew did get the pleasure of meeting Cherise.
We like that Cherise has somewhat different markings than Sugaree had, even though she is another black Greyhound. She has white on the the top of her schnozzle, just behind her nose, and she has more white on her chest and neck that Sugaree did. Her hind feet have more white on them as well.
I like this photo as it shows Trouble in the background thinking, "What is wrong with this picture? Mom and Dad what have you brought home? And, how is my life going to be different with this youngster in our midst?"
Toby demonstrated the correct way to meet the newest member of the Bowdoin Greyhounds. Sniff her butt first and wag your tail like mad to show that you are harmless!
Cherise is going to bring a lot of joy to our lives. She seems very confident, she is vocal, and she seems to have a high prey drive! Here she is starting her investigation of the fenced in yard. She roamed every inch of it.
And, here is Cherise in the pup pool! She walked right in and enjoyed the water. That is something that Lady Flame and Toby never did. In fact, the pup pool had been used by almost every Greyhound that has visited us, with the exception of our pups!
Finally, Trouble needed some "guy time" with Billy. Trouble is getting old and he misses Sugaree on a very deep level. Here's hoping that he and Cherise can eventually bond.

1 comment:

Greyhounds Aren't Grey said...

Look at that beautiful girl!! We can't wait to meet her. So glad we have a new member of the Bowdoin Greyhound Gang!