Sunday, July 5, 2020

Cherise goes down the stairs for the second time (Photos and Video by Auntie Veronica)

Oh my, how we do remember the agonizing days (two weeks of them) that we spent teaching a stubborn Lady Flame how to go down stairs. Well, today it was Shannon's time to teach Cherise how to do it. We'd had a lovely Swedish Fika on the deck with Veronica and Dennis, and Shannon and Cherise. When it was time to go home, this is what happened...
Mind you, Cherise had done this a few days earlier without thinking about it, but today a bit of trepidation set in as she overthought it.
I gave Shannon a soft peanut butter dog biscuit that she tore into small chunks and put onto each step to lure Cherise down.
There was lots of encouragement from Shannon, Veronica and I. And, Cherise eventually made it to the bottom of the stairs.
Here is the video of Cherise and the stairs.
Then, once she got down the stairs, she didn't want to go to the car to go home because Camp Greyhound is such a fun place to visit!
I couldn't help but laugh as Cherise pulled the typical Greyhound move of averting her gaze when not wanting to do something. This was one of Lady Flame's signature moves!
Eventually, Shannon got Cherise to move, but notice the tightness of the leash. Cherise was still holding back. At least Shannon kept good humor about the affair!
Finally, success! Cherise decided to admit defeat and walked to the car. After this, Cherise mastered the stairs faster than any Greyhound I've known...She is a super fast learner and a fearless girl!

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