Sunday, August 9, 2020

Play Date - Juniper and Dennis meet Cherise and Trouble

Now that we had met both Cherise and Juniper on separate occasions, we decided that these two feisty, sweet hounds should meet, along with Trouble, Dennis, and Toby. Look at Toby's smile. He loves all of his friends!
Due to both girls having hookworms, we have kept everyone apart, but decided that they have been on the meds long enough to be safe (with immediate poop pick-up in the yard.) It was nice to have the Bowdoin Greyhound Gang together again with the new additions.
Trouble is a ladies' man, and he was excited to meet Juniper!
As soon as we got into the backyard, Cherise and Juniper got to meet each other off leash. There were relatively few growlies, and the girls seemed to hit it off.
Then, the ball play began, with muzzles of course! Cherise is an old hand at ball play so she decided to show Juniper how its done;-)
Juniper knows that she is as fast as a speeding bullet, so she decided to join in along with Dennis.
Well, Juniper was surprised at how fast Old Man Dennis was. She felt as though she was standing still as he raced by with Cherise hot on his heels!
Whoo! After that run, both girls headed for the pool.
After they vacated the pool, Dennis hopped in, and Trouble joined him a few minutes later. Dennis was okay with sharing, because "sharing is caring..." Such good boys!
Of course after you cool off in the pool, you must always lay in the sand. So, that's what Trouble did because he is a good boy who follows the rules!
Since Trouble and Dennis are buddies, Dennis followed suit and got all sandy as well!
Then, it was time for a bit of a run again. But, this time, since Dennis is such a gentleman, he got to go muzzle-free. Who's a good boy? Why, Dennis is...
Juniper needed more Drew time, so she invited Cherise to join her for snuggles!
Whaat??? How many people and dogs can fit into a kiddie pool???
And, Trouble says..."Let me in!" And, Dennis says, "Dude, we've already been in this pool together today. Geesh! I just want it to myself!"
After Trouble wanders off, Dennis finally gets the super dirty pool to himself. Ahhh, life is grand...until...
"Mom, what are you doing in my pool! You're ruining my Zen time! No you're stomping the water! Why can't a guy just have a little peace?"
Now, for a peaceful moment...nothing better than a good, old-fashioned tummy rub on a hot day... Oh wait, maybe there is! 
Trench digging is the best thing in life! Cherise lays down next to her trench. But, she has just begun because it needs to be deeper and longer.
Whoo... satisfaction is being in the Guinness Book of World Records for the deepest and longest trench dug by a Greyt Greyhound! Yay! Best Day Ever!🐾🐾

1 comment:

Greyhounds Aren't Grey said...

LOVE these pictures! Worth the wait. My favorite is Dennis and I in the pool together.