Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Toby at the Androscoggin River (Papermill Trail)

We decided to walk part of the Papermill Trail to photograph Toby within Autumn's coat of many colors. This location is almost at the height of color being about 12.5 miles inland from Casco Bay, as the crow flies. At about 10:45am, we walked over to a boulder and down to the edge of the Androscoggin River to an outcropping of granite. The air was still and the river was glassy smooth.

Because Toby is blind, we don't let him off leash right away. We let him get the lay of the land, so to speak. Drew takes him to different parts of the rock and I snap tons of photos.

Toby is so cute and he is a master at avoiding looking at me during photo sessions. I forgot to bring a squeaky toy with me, so it took me forever to get a few photos of his head looking in my direction.

One last shot of him with Drew. You can see that he was getting so much more comfortable on the rock.

And, ta da! Drew took the leash off Toby for a few minutes while he stood stock still on the rock all by himself!

Such a good boy!

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