Thursday, April 23, 2015

Florida Visit - Day Five - Becky's menagerie


Becky and I relax with cats and dogs galore
After bonding with Travis, the springer spaniel, I was whisked away by Becky and Rochelle to visit with their pets. Whoo! What a lot of animals under one roof. This is always an enjoyable part of my yearly trip to Florida. It is such a treat to visit with my nieces, and this is where they often congregate with their children as well. Good times...

Rochelle works at the animal shelter so she and Becky are used to working with lots of animals...There are five cats and two dogs roaming their tiny home, but the cats have their own room, so it didn't seem too crowded!

Snickers, Nia, and gorgeous adult cats
(Click on the photo set for a larger view.)
I must say that my favorite animal was a grey and white kitten that had followed Becky home just the week before. Becky was ready to adopt the kitty out, but she overheard Rochelle and I talking about how incredibly special this cat was, so she decided to keep it. Oops...blame this one on me! I fell head-over-heels in love with this cat, and I am definitely not a cat person;-)
Gotta love a kitten! Especially this one.

Snoozy kitties are the best company
If you must know, visiting with all these animals softened the longing I felt for our sweet Greyhounds at home while I was away.  (Click on any photo for a larger view.)