Thursday, April 30, 2015

Toby and Lady play with their new toys

Toby and Lady play tug with Drew.
Toby and Lady Flame are enjoying playing with a couple of new Tuffy Toys we got for them. Drew has been getting both dogs interested in playing tug, and Lady Flame has been getting brave enough to tug with Toby for about 20 seconds before letting go of the toy. This is a huge step for her. It is good, positive interaction between her and her annoying "little" brother.

Tug play is fun even without Drew.

Toby loves chasing his new toy.
Toby has been able to follow the Tuffy Toy as Drew rolls it on the ground in front of him. The toys are large enough for Toby to see, and he has learned how to follow their path along the ground and can actively chase them and grab them. It is nice to have found a toy that he can play with (even with his tunnel vision.) 
(Click on any photo for a larger view.)

Toby hasn't figured out how to carry the toy without
obstructing his vision..what little vision he actually has!
"Ahh...that's better. Now I can see!"